Changing Your Name During Divorce
Resuming the use of your maiden name after divorce is a pretty common request for many of my clients. Fortunately, the process for changing your name in a divorce is very simple.
All you have to do to change your name is include a request to resume the use of your maiden name in your divorce complaint and have it ordered in the actual Divorce Judgment.
Changing Back to Your Maiden Name After Divorce in North Carolina
In North Carolina, you can file for divorce after you have been separated for twelve months without resuming the marital relationship.
Plan Ahead to Change Your Name During Your Divorce Proceeding
As in any divorce, you will need to prepare a summons, complaint for divorce and any other cover sheets and forms required by your local jurisdiction. The request to resume the use of your maiden name should be included in your claims for relief and the actual prayer for relief section. Make certain to state plainly that you request to resume the use of your maiden name and spell out your maiden name.
What Happens After A Request Has Been Made?
If you have made the request in your Complaint, and you have filed and served your divorce complaint properly, you will be entitled to the relief and the Judge will include your name change in the Divorce Judgment. The only bad news is that Judgment “allows” you to resume the use of your maiden name. It will then be up to you change your name with Social Security, DMV, Passport Office, and so on until you have retraced all the steps you took when you got married.
Let a Raleigh Divorce Lawyer Help You Change Your Name
If you need any additional information about divorce or name changes, please review my website North Carolina Divorce Info or submit a contact request. Thanks for checking in with us and please let us know if you are in need of a Raleigh divorce lawyer or more North Carolina divorce information.