During divorce, it is all too common to have questions that you need answering. Our…
When you consider all the facets of life, like holidays, graduations, birthdays, etc., then there is never really a “good time” for divorce. However, for many married couples, divorce is an unfortunate part of life that must be faced regardless timing. Divorces and separation can be messy and highly emotional for everyone involved. Many studies have found useful information regarding divorce statistics including, the likelihood of divorce and the most popular months for divorce. After reading through these studies, we have compiled a few of the most important pieces of data to answer questions you may have about divorce.
What Is The Number One Month for Divorce?
January is the number one month for divorce. People seem to want to bring in the New Year with a fresh start and an end to an unhappy marriage. It is commonly found that married couples, especially those with children wish to avoid disturbing the winter holidays and often hope for a last minute change in a partner’s behaviors. After the holidays and the lack of change by the spouse, people are typically ready to file divorce by January. Databases have shown that people start researching divorce online before January, but must wait until the end of the holidays for attorneys to be back in the office.

The week of January 12-16 has the highest rate of divorce filings annually. Each New Year brings a one-third increase in divorce filings. The Monday children return to school after winter break has the highest rate of divorce filings in one day. This increase in divorce filings tends to stay at a steady climb until March.
Which Months Do Divorce Filings Peak?
Divorce rates peak in March and August. There are a number of reasons these two months see a large increase in divorce and separation. People are less likely to divorce during the winter holidays since these events revolve around time spent with family. Many parents want to give their children one last happy holiday together before making a permanent split.
People are more likely to file divorce around March and August because of the problems faced during the holidays. After a big trip or visit with the in-laws, people may find their difference irreconcilable. Some people view a holiday or vacation as a last resort to save their marriage.
If what they were hoping for did not occur, it is likely to drive the already dissatisfied to divorce. Another reason August has an influx of divorce filings is that people tend to plan their divorce around family specific events. Parents want to wait until after graduation in May to bring up divorce to their children, July is the month most Americans vacation, etc. Late summer months are always peak period as parents find it easier to file a divorce in August when their children are going back to school.
Some Divorce Statistics from 2016
Currently, both marriage and divorce rates in the United States are decreasing. Though divorce rates are decreasing, 50% of marriages still end in divorce or separation.
Current rates show that people are beginning to waiting longer to enter into marriage. The median age for women increased from 20.6 in 1970 to 26.5 in 2011 and the age for men increased from 22.5 in 1970 to 28.4 in 2011. It is estimated that 41% of first marriages will end in divorce and 60% of second marriages will end in divorce.
First marriages, on average, tend to last eight years. After a divorce, people on average wait three years before getting remarried. The United States has the 6th highest divorce rate in the world, with Nevada having the highest divorce rate in the U.S. at 14.6% as of 2012.
Who is Getting Divorced?
What Age Groups Most Readily Divorce?
People between the ages of 25 to 39 make up 60% of all divorces. Couples on average are most likely to go through their first divorce at age 30. People married less than 10 years seem to divorce the most. In the past three to four years, there has been a rise of older people getting divorced, aka "Grey Divorce." This trend now seems to be on the rise with Americans now living later into life. No longer do aging couple have the stigma of social constructs that keep them unhappily married. The idea being, "I still have years to live, why should I wait until I can't enjoy the time I have."
Are More North Carolina Divorce Filed by Women or Men?
In the past, 66% of divorces were filed by women. This number has soared to 75% in recent years. Historically, women tend to be less satisfied while married, and now less so due to changes in women’s roles within the family. Wives who are still expected to do the bulk of the housework and childcare, report lower levels of relationship quality and are likely to initiate divorce.
Contact Your Raleigh Divorce Attorney Today
At the Doyle Law Group, we are experienced divorce attorneys, focusing on getting clients the results they need for their divorce case. Our Raleigh legal team is available to help with your case. If you are considering a divorce, our lawyers can assist you during the process and help you determine if this is the best course of action for your situation. Contact our Raleigh Family Lawyers today at (919) 301-8843 or complete the form below to speak with